From the vantage point of working in education for the past 30 years, I know the importance of quality History-Social Science instruction, especially in the foundational years of elementary school. Oftentimes we see a marginalization of Social Studies instruction in the elementary school day. But it is now, more than ever, that children need a quality, well rounded education that includes purposeful and daily inclusion of Social Studies. This past year we have witnessed many challenges leading to increasing politicization of the content we teach. We know of the curriculum demands. We know of time constraints. We know at all levels, required content standards loom large, and necessary skills and content must have our immediate attention. As we help students understand the interdependence of the world and view themselves as citizens who share the planet with 7 billion others, we teach beyond required state standards and beyond the next assessment. We teach them to ask questions, research thoroughly, think critically, and take action. History-Social Science provides the designated time to learn about the world from multiple perspectives, and develop conceptual understandings based on these perspectives. As we prepare our students for global citizenship, we must be vigilant about quality Social Studies instruction, materials, and daily inclusion for every student in every grade level.
The CCSS Board along with you, the members, dedicate our work to ensure California teachers have the resources, support, and a collective voice needed to steer the course of education and serve our children so they can reveal their multifaceted gifts, demonstrate purposeful knowledge of the Social Sciences, and remain active, engaged, civic-minded citizens. Together we managed to not only survive, but thrive during the past year of layered and multi-dimensional challenges. We will continue to serve our students in the best possible ways. I look forward to seeing you all at the 61st Annual Conference in Orange County, March 4-6, 2022, perfectly and timely themed Connect, Collaborate, Construct: Social Studies in a New Era.
All the best,
Rebecca Valbuena